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Dishonourable Proposal Page 9
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Page 9
Finally she could lie in his arms, breathe in the scent of him, and feel absolutely nothing. He had killed the last lingering traces of her teenage infatuation with him. He was not even worth hating, she told herself. Indifference destroyed a relationship much quicker than hate.
'I'm not a monster, Katy. I realise it has been a hell of a day for you. You're worn out—go to sleep.'
Her smooth brow creased in a frown. Jake, comforting her—what was he playing at? Of course! He always managed to have the last word, she thought caustically. Then the deep even sound of Jake's breathing told her he was asleep. Not at all what she had expected. Still, he was paying anyway, she thought fuzzily and, yawning widely, within minutes she was asleep.
The bright morning sunlight assaulted Katy's eyes and quickly she closed them again. A nagging worry touched the edge of her consciousness. Suddenly she sat up in bed, her huge green eyes wide with horror and confusion. She turned her head, the imprint in the pillow next to her confirming her worst fears.
She groaned and collapsed back down on the bed, flinging a slender arm across her eyes as if by some miracle she could block out the previous night. She must have been mad... The sound of running water coming from the bathroom told her Jake was still around. How could she face him?
'Good morning, Katy. I trust you slept well?' The amused mockery in his voice set her teeth on edge. He knew damn fine how she had slept, curled up warm and safe in his arms.
'Yes.' And from some inner well of courage she turned her head and looked at him. 'Thank you,' she mumbled reluctantly, unable to deny he had behaved like a perfect gentleman.
He strolled over to the bed, wearing only a towel, slung low on his hips; with another towel he was briskly rubbing his hair. A blush spread from her toes to her face; he was so magnificently male, all golden tan and rippling muscle. A few drops of water glistened on the dark curling hairs on his chest, and Katy had to fight down the urge to lean forward and lick them one by one.
God, what was happening to her? she groaned inwardly, tearing her eyes away from him. Where had her frigid resistance gone? The indifference of last night? She could never be indifferent to Jake in a million years. She must have suffered a mental aberration to believe otherwise.
He frowned down at her 'No need to thank me. I haven't done anything... yet.'
The threat in his tone was explicit. She forced herself to look at him. She was a mature woman. Jake believed she was sexually experienced, and to appear as a blushing child this morning simply because they had slept in the same bed was ridiculous, but that was how she felt.
She bit her lip, her hands clenched under the covers, as she fought to present a sophisticated image. Jake, by his restraint last night, had proved he was not exactly desperate for her body. Her assumption that he was after revenge was obviously correct. If she had any hope of retaining her pride when she eventually escaped him he must never know how truly vulnerable she really was.
Her mouth dropped open in shock as, without a shred of embarrassment, Jake dropped the towels and moved around the room, picking up and putting on his scattered clothing. She couldn't tear her hungry gaze away from him. He moved with a lithe grace, even when doing such a mundane chore as dressing. His legs long and muscular, his hips taut... and so very much a man. Ashamed of her erotic thoughts, she felt a scarlet tide of embarrassment burn from her head to her toes.
He paused as he zipped up his trousers, and glanced around the room as though he were seeing it for the first time, which in a way he was. A disdainful grimace pulled down the corners of his mouth and, sitting down on the bed to pull on his socks, he remarked, 'This place is too small, Katy.' He turned his head, his dark eyes impersonal as he noted her hands firmly gripping the covers under her chin. 'You still look tired; beautiful, but tired,' he amended, his glance lingering on her face, the dark circles under her wary green eyes. 'Stay in bed this morning and then spend the rest of the day packing. I have a lot of business to catch up on; yesterday was pretty much a wasted day. So I'll send the car round for you about four. Introduce yourself to my housekeeper, and with luck I will be finished at work about seven. Say, dinner seven-thirty. Mrs Charles knows what to expect— she has looked after me for years.' He rattled off his orders as though he were speaking to his secretary.
Katy could not believe her ears. Yesterday had been the most traumatic day of her life and for him 'a wasted day'. The nerve of the swine! He was all hard-headed businessman. He dismissed her beloved apartment as though it were a slum. Anger bubbled up inside her, overriding her intense awareness of the man.
'Now wait a damn minute!' There was no way she was going to follow his orders like some mindless bimbo.
'For God's sake, Katy, don't start being difficult. I'm going to be late for my nine o'clock appointment as it is.'
'You are?' she squeaked, and with a brief glance at the bedside clock she registered it was eight-thirty. 'And what about me? I also have to go to work, and as for moving in with you—forget it.' And, flinging her legs over the opposite side of the bed, she grabbed her robe off the chair and slipped it on.
A hard hand spun her around as she made for the bathroom, Jake's fingers firm around her upper arm. Dark eyes glittered sardonically down at her.
'The whole point of keeping a mistress is that the said lady will always be available to wait on the pleasure of her master, not the other way around, my dear Katy. You no longer need to work. So toddle off back to bed and I will see you later.' And with a mocking grin he propelled her towards the bed. 'You need your beauty sleep. I will take care of the business.'
'No! You're crazy if you think I will give up work just for the dubious pleasure of sharing your bed,' she flung back at him contemptuously.
'I can assure you there will be nothing dubious about the pleasure" you find in my bed, Katy, darling,' Jake promised silkily, while his fingers bit into her flesh, drawing her slowly and inexorably closer into the warmth and power of his tall frame.
The tension sizzled in the air. They stood like two protagonists in a judo match, neither one prepared to back down. Jake's dark head swooped, and his mouth covered hers in a hard, demanding kiss. By the time he lifted his head Katy was sagging against him, all resistance gone.
'I'm sorry I don't have time now, but tonight will be different. Now be sensible, Katy; do as I say, and I will see you later. I will settle everything with your father; you have nothing to worry about.' And before she could respond he had swung on his heel and left...
Katy dipped a lavish handful of scented crystals into the water, and, shrugging off her robe, stepped into the bath. She sank gratefully down beneath the fragrant foam, her head resting lightly against the inbuilt soft-cushioned rest.
She was a teeming mass of quivering nerves and her brain seemed to have taken a holiday. It was all Jake's fault. He had walked out earlier without a backward glance, convinced she would obey him, and unfortunately, now she had time to think, she was fast reaching the conclusion that he was right.
She loved her apartment; it was the first place she had owned, and the thought of sharing it with Jake was abhorrent. When they parted, which was a foregone conclusion, she would still have to live here. There was no way she could sell it—her lips twisted in an ironic smile-that was for sure...
Already Jake had ruined the master bedroom for her; she would never be able to sleep there on her own without thinking of him, not after last night. She would have to use the second bedroom, and if he stayed here in no time at all his presence would permeate the whole place. Perhaps moving to his apartment was the best idea. At least then she could walk away from him when the end came...
It never occurred to her to question her own acceptance of his proposal. Instead she told herself, it's a job like any other. She had made a success of modelling, gone on to make a success at designing. Being a mistress should be simple in comparison. As for her work, she had every intention of staying on at Meldenton, and there was
not a damn thing Jake could do about it. He might be able to arouse her sexually. Might? Who was she kidding?
Jake had been devious. He had deliberately allowed her to sleep, and her body, relaxed at last, had recovered somewhat from the shocks of the previous day. He was clever, very clever. But when he had kissed her this morning she had been like putty in his arms, even while she hated and despised him as a manipulating pig of a man.
With a disgusted snort she picked up the soap and washed herself all over, rubbing vigorously, as if by some magic she could rub away his touch, the lingering scent of him on her skin. Finally satisfied, she stood up and stepped out of the bath, her decisions made.
Briskly drying herself with a large fluffy towel, she draped it back over the towel-rail and walked naked into the bedroom. She would move in with Jake. It might only be for a couple of weeks, she told herself as with brisk efficiency she withdrew underclothes from a , drawer, and an elegant black and taupe patterned wool shirt-dress from the wardrobe. Ignoring the tiny devil inside her that whispered that he was what she had always wanted, she quickly donned her clothes and applied the minimum of make-up.
She was going to work and the meeting this morning, whether Jake liked it or not. She wasn't such a fool as to take him at his word. Katy fully intended to make sure he kept to his part of the deal, and she would not believe it until she saw it down in black and white, before witnesses.
Finally she was getting some business sense. She smiled bitterly at her reflection in the mirror. While Jake was getting probably one of the most expensive mistresses in the world...
There was no sign of her nemesis as she joined her father and John in the boardroom. She did not know whether she was relieved or disappointed. She hid her flustered thoughts by greeting her father effusively.
'Daddy, darling, you're all right after yesterday? No hangover, hmm?' And, leaning over where he sat, she pressed a soft kiss on his round cheek.
'Good morning, Katy, love, and no, I don't have a hangover. In fact, I feel better than I have in months. Jake was on the phone earlier, and our troubles are over. He will be along in a minute, but I can tell you the gist of the deal. Jake is buying the apartment blocks. So I can concentrate on what I do best—making fine china— and I promise you now, Katy, I will never again branch out into something I know nothing about.' Pushing his chair back, her father stood up and pulled her into his arms. Under the cover of giving her a big hug, he lowered his head and murmured, 'And please, Katy, forget my drunken rambling about your mother. She was a wonderful lady.'
Katy had to swallow on the lump that rose in her throat. Her father was so happy. It was in his eyes, his bearing, and she knew he would never have mentioned anything about her mother, except yesterday he had been under such terrible pressure. As he stood back and looked down at her she forced herself to smile. 'I'm delighted everything has worked out, Dad, and I never believed you anyway,' she lied softly.
'Good morning. I see you're all waiting for me.' Jake breezed into the room. 'My apologies, but I had a rather late night with a lovely lady, and overslept.' His dark gaze settled on Katy, and she itched to knock the stupid grin off his face.
Before she could respond he had crossed the room and pulled out a chair. She noticed he had been home to change, and his navy pin-striped suit only served to enhance the aura of energy and power that was such a natural part of his make-up.
'Close your mouth and sit down before you fall down, Katy. You look rather fragile this morning.'
'Thanks to you,' she muttered under her breath, furious he had caught her staring at him.
For the next hour Jake was all business, and reluctantly Katy was forced to admire the way he outlined and explained his reorganisation of the firm. He talked figures with John until her head rang in her efforts to keep up with them. Finally he pushed his chair back and said, 'Right, I think that's everything, and the vote is a mere formality-----'
'We still have to have one,' Katy interrupted. 'And I also want to see everything you've outlined in writing.' He was not going to bamboozle her today as he had yesterday.
'But of course, Katy.' He didn't bother to hide the derision in his voice as he added, 'Raise your hands, all those in favour,' and negligently lifted his hand.
'Really, Jake, there's no need,' her father said with a brief chuckle. 'I know what a great personal favour you are doing for me and Katy.'
'Put your hand up, David; it's a man's lot to humour the women in their lives,' he responded with a smile for her father.
Katy felt a complete idiot, but still she raised her hand; she couldn't back down now.
'The ayes have it,' Jake drawled, tongue in cheek. 'And now, I'm afraid, I must dash.' Scraping his chair back, he stood up. 'I have another appointment. I'll be in touch, David.'
Katy sat, her face bright red and her green eyes spitting fire. She felt like a five-year-old suitably chastised by the adults, and as for her father, almost licking Jake's boots, she wanted to blurt out just how much of a false friend the man was. She opened her mouth to speak, but bit back the words as her eyes clashed with Jake's.
He walked around to where she sat, his smile one of mocking amusement. 'You, Katy darling, I will see tonight, hmm?' He wasn't asking but telling her; the deal was struck, and she had no escape. His dark head swooped and he planted a hard kiss on her lips. 'Till later.' His action in front of her father stamped her as his possession clearer than words.
She sat where he had left her, still trying to recover her scattered senses; one touch of his lips and she lost all will to fight him. Her father spoke.
'It makes me very happy to see you and Jake together again, Katy. I always thought you should have married him years ago, but still, better late than never.'
'What? Oh, yes,' she mumbled. Only Jake was not offering marriage this time. He had asked her twice before. Perhaps she should have married him years ago and ignored his affair with her stepmother. In the intervening years none of the men she had dated had aroused the least sexual interest in her; only Jake had the magic touch where she was concerned.
With a sigh she looked around the empty boardroom. There was no point in sitting here—she had work to do, and, getting to her feet, she gathered up her belongings and stuffed them in her briefcase.
She walked down the stairs and along the hall a couple of minutes later, once more the cool businesswoman. Tomkins, the head of sales, accosted her before she reached the design office.
'Great success yesterday, Katy, thanks to you. The Sheikh has dealt with this company for over fifty years, but he was seriously tempted by Wedgwood until you came along with those new designs. You have done a great job.'
Katy smiled briefly at Tomkins, the compliment lifting her spirits. Designing was something Jake could not undermine as he had her modelling career, she thought more cheerfully. With a lighter step she wandered into the studio she shared with Mike Lasty.
She looked around the large pleasant room overlooking the Thames, the huge plate-glass window flooding the space with light. Mike was at his desk in one corner, his head buried in a book.
He was a man in his fifties, and had been with the firm for years, but he obviously wasn't overloaded with work, Katy thought wryly. She had grown to like him, and it always amused her the fascination he had for PG Wodehouse and Jeeves.
He spent hours reading the same books over and over again, and more than once she had seen him drawing cartoon figures of the characters.
'Working hard, Mike?' He jumped in his chair and dropped the book.
'Katy, I wish you wouldn't creep up on a man. You almost gave me a heart attack.'
She smiled; Mike had confided to her that his secret ambition was to get a cartoon strip published in the newspapers. So far he had not got around the copyright issue; privately she thought he never would...
Her drawing-board was a state-of-the-art white and chrome contraption, and gratefully she sat down in the matching white chair, the familiarity of her surroundings
easing her troubled thoughts. She turned to Mike. Her performance at the board meeting had seriously dented her confidence, and she badly needed some more reassurance.
'Mike, before I came here to work, who designed the new china?'
'I did, of course, with the help of young Bob, when I could drag him away from chatting up the girls in the factory.' His friendly features relaxed in a broad grin. 'But since you arrived I'm almost superfluous. Your enthusiasm and talent far outstrip mine. I can remember your mother when she first worked here; she was good, but you are great. This old studio has got a new lease of life. Why, even my cartoons are looking better!' he joked.
His kindness and obvious sincerity made her eyes blur with tears, and, brushing her eyes with the back of her hand, she swallowed hard. 'Thanks, Mike. You're a nice man,' she said, trying to smile.
'No trouble at the board meeting?' he asked gently, noting her luminous green eyes. 'I've heard some unpleasant rumours, and I would hate to start looking for another job at my age.'
'The meeting was a great success. Your job is secure,' she reassured him.
'That's OK, then.' Mike breathed a sigh of relief and, patting her shoulder, he returned to his corner and his book.
In that moment Katy realised there was no turning back. Tonight she would become Jake's mistress, but with one proviso of her own. She was determined to carry on her work. She loved the place and the people and she no longer had any doubt she was good at her job. Her relationship with Jake in all probability would be fleeting, but her career in design would be a life-long comfort.